William P. Clements Jr. University Hospital
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
William P. Clements Jr. University Hospital is an expansion to The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center campus. The project scope included a new 1.1 million SF hospital with 460 beds, a 67,000 SF thermal energy plant and support services building, and a 48,000 SF materials management building. This project also included the rerouting and upsizing of an 8-inch water pipeline to a 12-inch pipeline, as well as rerouting a 15-inch sanitary sewer pipeline to accommodate the new hospital plans. In order to meet the needs of the project, JQ submitted an early Water and Sanitary Sewer Package to reconcile the abandonment and relocation of existing public utilities. JQ also prepared a second full Civil Package for permitting and construction, so the contractor could begin all utility and building foundation work on an expedited schedule. This package was completed a full year before the overall project design was completed. JQ ultimately completed all design packages in 42 weeks.
Location: Dallas, TX
Size: 1,100,000 SF
Services: Civil
Cost: $800M