Water Treatment Plant Expansion to 87MGD, Tarrant County Water Supply Project
Trinity River Authority
JQ provided structural engineering services for the expansion of the existing plant from 72 MGD to 87 MGD. The project scope included the following new plant facilities: a rapid mix facility, a new washwater recovery basin, two new filter units, an ozone contractor facility, an ozone generator building, a raw water feed building, modifications to the existing chemical feed building, demolition of the existing chemical mix facility, demolition of the existing washwater tank, and the design of several miscellaneous site structures for electrical and metering components. Additionally, the 87 MGD reliability project scope consisted of a new administration building, rehabilitation of the existing administration building into an operations building, a chemical building, chemical building modifications, a new meter vault and existing filter gallery improvements.
Location: Euless, TX
Size: 87MGD
Services: Structural
Cost: $42M