Multipurpose Building #1, Fort Worth Campus
Tarleton State University
The first building on the new 80-acre campus serves a multitude of student needs from educational to support services. The three-story, 76,000 SF building includes general use classrooms, tiered classrooms, computer labs, teaching labs, departmental and faculty offices/support space, meeting rooms, study spaces and wellness/exercise areas. The building was designed on a standard office and classroom module to allow the spaces to be easily reconfigured and reprogrammed as the campus grows and new buildings are constructed. A temporary central plant was constructed within a mechanical yard which will be replaced with a central utility loop once additional buildings are added. Being the first building on an undeveloped site, site utilities had to be extended from the campus property line to the building. Site and infrastructure improvements such as roadways, sidewalks, parking lots, and landscaping were also required.
Location: Fort Worth, TX
Size: 76,000 SF
Services: Structural
Cost: $28.4M